Naturally Arthritis Pain Relief


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Arthritis Treatment


Arthritis is the Latin name for inflammation of a joint. This can be part of a generalised arthritic process throughout the body or as a result of trauma and injury to only one joint. An arthritic joint is swollen and painful. It may be red and hot and movement is painful. Around each joint is a capsule which contains the fluid used to lubricate the joint. If the entire joint capsule becomes inflamed, all or most of the movements of that joint will strain a different part of the capsule. So all or most of the movements will be painful or limited. Arthritis leads to a characteristic limitation of movement which varies from joint to joint. The more inflamed the capsule, the greater the limitation of movement. Whatever the cause of arthritis the pattern of limitation of movement is the same.


Early treatment with Connective Tissue Manipulation can help to alleviate the condition. Even after severe changes of wear and tear show up on X-ray the symptoms can be eased by treatment with Connective Tissue Manipulation to improve the circulation to the joint and thus reduce the inflammation and pain. The reduction in connective tissue tension can also help to improve range of movement in an arthritic joint.

Jacqueline is one of a few UK Physiotherapists combining Connective Tissue Manipulation, Manual Lymph Drainage, the MacKenzie Exercise Regime and Cranio-sacral Therapy in private practice. During the past four years she has successfully treated over 1,000 patients with spinal problems and a further 1,300 patients with other muscular skeletal problems in her Gillingham Physio Centre in Dorset. In order to offer her specialist techniques to a greater number of patients she started the London Physio Centre at 148 Harley Street.

A Chartered and State Registered Physiotherapist, Jacqueline qualified at St Thomas's Hospital, London with additional emphasis in the treatment of backs and necks. She spent five years at the Leicester Royal Infirmary gaining experience in all branches of physiotherapy and became Senior Physiotherapist on the Medical Unit. In 1977 she created a private practice at the Leicester Clinic, eventually covering all orthopaedic, spinal and post-op physiotherapy.

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