Naturally Arthritis Pain Relief


Monday, January 26, 2009

How to Relieve Arthritis Pain

Arthritis pain is caused by many different variables, including inflammation of the tissues that line the joints, the tendons, or ligaments around the joints, and muscle strain. Fatigue also causes arthritis pain to worsen.

Everyone’s arthritis pain is different, and the pain varies a great deal from person to person. Also, everyone responds differently to different treatment methods. You and your doctor should work together to develop the best plan to relieve your arthritis pain.

There are, however, many things that you can do yourself to increase the effectiveness of your treatment. Eating a healthy diet will give your body necessary nutrients to keep your joints healthy. Since fatigue contributes to arthritis pain, getting 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night is a must.

Keep a daily journal, including diet, activities, stress and pain levels. Discussing this with your doctor can help you both determine what aggravates your arthritis and how best to treat it.

Additionally, discuss with your doctor about whether to use hot or cold packs for pain relief, as the type of arthritis you have will dictate which is best. Many patients find joint stabilization (splints) very helpful in relieving their arthritis pain.

Massage is also helpful in managing pain, but because the affected area may be very sensitive, a professional massage therapist familiar with arthritis pain is best suited for this. If necessary, your doctor can prescribe medications to help control the pain, but these are some tips as to what you can do yourself.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more health related advice and arthritis pain relief information that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

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