Naturally Arthritis Pain Relief


Friday, January 30, 2009

Arthritis Symptoms

Can That Pain in Your Joints Be Arthritis?

Ask yourself these questions: Do you have problems with one or more of your joints? Do you know which signs point to arthritis symptoms? If not, you should arm yourself with as much knowledge on this disease as possible. With early diagnosis, there is much you can do to keep arthritis symptoms at bay and to keep your joints from becoming severely damaged.

It is not uncommon for an individual to think that the stiffness they are experiencing is a result of physically overworking their body. They may also attribute this stiffness and pain to getting older. While it is true that we do slow down with age and tend to feel many aches and pains as we grow older, ongoing joint pain is not normal.

Arthritis symptoms can include inflammation, stiffness, swelling, and warmth at the joint site. Arthritis symptoms can also include rapid or gradual weight loss, fatigue and fever. There are over a 100 different types of arthritis.

The most common type of arthritis is Osteoarthritis. It usually affects the knees and hips. This type of arthritis has been commonly referred to as the “wear and tear” arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder, meaning that the immune system attacks the lining of joints as if it were a foreign, harmful substance. The associated swelling can be quite pronounced in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Lupus arthritis is an autoimmune disorder. The joints most affected by this form of arthritis include the wrists, hands and knees.

Gouty arthritis usually affects the big toe and knee. It is brought about by formations of crystals within the joint.

If you are experiencing pain in one or more joints and you do not get relief from over the counter medication, or through the application of heat or cold packs, it’s possible you may have arthritis. You should never ignore arthritis symptoms. If you suspect you may have arthritis, you should definitely consult your local doctor, who may refer you to a rheumatologist. A rheumatologist specializes in bone, joint and muscle disorders. Rheumatologists may treat arthritis, as well as autoimmune disorders. While it’s true that there is no known cure for arthritis, there are a number of medications which are known to bring much needed pain relief and alleviate the suffering brought on by arthritis symptoms. As well, these medications may also somewhat slow down the progression of arthritis.

Hanif Khaki is the acclaimed and highly regarded author of numerous health related articles and founder of the popular resource site,

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